On Satruday, May 14, 2011, from 9AM to Noo
n is the clean up at Wright's Pond. There is much to do there, including gardening, in addition to the regular cleaning up. Please bring a water bottle, work gloves and dress to work! If you'd like to contribute, but can't go we're accepting donations of perrenials to be planted in the gardens.
Immediately following the cleanup, at noon, the Medford Arts Council, Friends of Wright's Pond, Grace Episcopal Church and the City of Medford invite you to the planting of a memorial tree in honor of Richard Lee, who served the Medford Community and loved our City.
The tree planting portion of the event is sponsored in part by a grant from the Medford Arts Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Also on Saturday, from 10AM to 2PM is the annual spruce up at the Brooks Estate. Green Up Clean Up is sending a group to help with their event. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks. Volunteers are welcome to come all day, or just for an hour. More information about that event is at http://www.brooksestate.org/events.php
POSTPONED to Sunday May 21st, from 1-3PM is a Green Up Clean Up event at Playstead Park. This event is being led by Brownie Troop 65007 from St Raphael's School. Come help the Brownies rake, pick up litter and paint equipment on Sunday!
For more information about Green Up Clean Up, please see http://gracemedford.org/greenupcleanup
Additional scheduled cleanups include:
June 4th - 10AM-12PM Barry Park - Chris DesAutels
June 18th - 9-11 AM Cummings Park - Laura Brebreton
August 27th - Tufts Park

Immediately following the cleanup, at noon, the Medford Arts Council, Friends of Wright's Pond, Grace Episcopal Church and the City of Medford invite you to the planting of a memorial tree in honor of Richard Lee, who served the Medford Community and loved our City.
The tree planting portion of the event is sponsored in part by a grant from the Medford Arts Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Also on Saturday, from 10AM to 2PM is the annual spruce up at the Brooks Estate. Green Up Clean Up is sending a group to help with their event. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks. Volunteers are welcome to come all day, or just for an hour. More information about that event is at http://www.brooksestate.org/events.php
POSTPONED to Sunday May 21st, from 1-3PM is a Green Up Clean Up event at Playstead Park. This event is being led by Brownie Troop 65007 from St Raphael's School. Come help the Brownies rake, pick up litter and paint equipment on Sunday!
For more information about Green Up Clean Up, please see http://gracemedford.org/greenupcleanup
Additional scheduled cleanups include:
This entry is cross-posted from Alicia's blog on the Medford Patch.
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