Sunday, October 30, 2011

Recycling those Candy Wrappers

Bring in your candy wrappers to recycle!
Happy Halloween!

Tis the season of handy out and eating candy.  Be sure to save your candy wrappers (and your kids') and bring them to church so we can recycle them through TerraCycle.  So far this year we have raised over $150 from TerraCycle and kept pounds of material out of the landfills.

Other things that we can TerraCycle include:
  • Cookie Wrappers
  • Drink Pouches
  • Candy Wrappers
  • Energy Bar Wrappers (including Cereal Bar Wrappers)
  • Chip Bags
Unfortunately NO MORE COFFEE BAGS for TerraCycle.  StarBucks stopped sponsoring the program and they have discontinued their recycling program for coffee bags.

Be sure to remove all crumbs from the wrappers before bringing them in and putting them in the kitchen corner by the oven.

If you'd be interested in helping to sort and pack up the wrappers for recycling, please talk to Alicia or Jonathan Hunt.

Happy Halloween!